Hello Everyone
And so we won…again! This is awesome news for our community. Mal has already posted all the thanks so well I won’t repeat them all but hey well done everyone!
So where do we go from here. Yes a celebration is definitely on but not wishing to tempt fate and really not wanting to be a party pooper let’s just wait for the appeal period to run down!
The process from here, as I understand it, is that they have 6 weeks to ask for a judicial review. Really, honestly after 2 inspectors finding against them I can’t see any right minded business (yep I know we don’t think they are in the first place) doing that but we have to wait 6 weeks to make sure.
Then just to get this finally closed we have some more work to do to make sure that insanity doesn’t prevail and this doesn’t end up as a preferred site on the Minerals Local Plan. We are on this already and we won’t take anything for granted until that final nail is in the coffin.
In the meantime let’s enjoy our 3rd victory on this all against the odds. What a result, what a community!
Mike Lord