Hello Everyone
Thanks to those who managed to get to the consultation yesterday. There is another on the 21st of August in the same place foe those who couldn’t make it.
So to recap where we are. The planning application was rejected by WCC. There was an Inquiry which found against the applicant again. They appealed and overturned the Inquiry position based on a technicality that the inspector referred to future legislation and didn’t make it clear he hadn’t relied upon it. We are now back to the Public Inquiry stage. First part of this was a pre Inquiry meeting which we attended on behalf of the Stop The Quarry Campaingn Group (STQC) with our Barrister.
The Apellant NRS has submitted ammendments and they are required to consult on these so please write to the council expressing either your concern about anything to do with that proposal or you confusion about what they are doing making changes at this point. These should go to WCC as before. All the documents for the old and new Inquiry are on WCC website.
The proposed changes.
Here is the link https://www.worcestershire.gov.uk/council-services/planning-and-developments/planning-applications/lea-castle-farm-quarry-public-inquiry/lea-castle-farm-quarry-public-inquiry-core
The changes are in the section called ES Addendum. The Inspector has not accepted the proposed ammendments and won’t make a decision on this until after 6th Septemeber when the time for comments ends or even until the Inquiry is in progress.
We are now on with preparing our defence which needs to be with them on 8th October. We will be concentrating on the issues which won it last time – Landscape, green belt, rights of way, inert infill etc. not on dust and noise.
You now all will have chance to have you say again at the next Inquiry starting 5th November. You can do this remotely only if you really need to. We have been asked for a list of likely speakers by the Inspector but you can also just turn up on the day and speak. There is no need to register. I will send some details of where to send your intention to speak in due course.
Finally I’m sorry I have to ask but if you can afford it please can you donate to help us fund experts and our barrister. Best is direct to the campaign bank account details below. We have around £8k so far but my estimate is we need double this. Any questions just ask.
We won last time and the Inspector has to explain why he has a different opinion than the last one if he wants to change it so there is a good starting place to finally put this to bed.
Thanks everyone for your ongoing support.
Mike Lord
Name – Stop the quarry group
Account No 23001660
Sort Code. 20-98-68