Hello Everyone
So we are two days in to the inquiry and it seems to be going as well as last time. Today saw our first two expert witnesses on the stand. Rebecca Hatch on public rights of way and Matt Hartill on restoration. They were brilliantly well prepared and did a great job for everyone. Its really tough for these guys to do what they did today. This isn’t their day job and neither of them like public speaking. They also are both just lovely people too which make dealing with the cross examination hard as its proper conflict stuff. They both did us proud and they both spent days of their time preparing to do it.
That after seeing so many other people from the community yesterday getting up and telling the inspector what they thought. Again you were so well prepared and did a great job too.
It just shows what we can all achieve when we pull together and decide to fight for the best for our community.
Thanks everyone
Mike Lord
Well today was the turn of expert witnesses and some of the committee members. Not all, ran out of time, so same tomorrow. A lot of these have been done voluntarily, that hasn’t has been what the fundraising money was for. If you listen to some of these reports, you realise what and how much work has gone into it. A lot told me today, that for the layman, they are heavy going. Completely agree, that’s why we needed expert testamonials, and people who did understand countless reports. Thank you so much to everyone working hard to protect our community. x
Marilyn McDonald
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