Hello Everyone
So firstly by way of update this is where we are in the process. The inquiry in person has finished. We ran out of time to get to the Round Table on schedule of conditions done so that will be on Monday 25th November we think at 2pm live streamed. Details will go up on the council website on the 18th or 19th November. This isn’t a chance to raise objections again and the inspector gave everyone chance to comment already. However you can comment on the conditions when the draft goes on the website.
It is really important we don’t clog the process up at this point so if you want to comment I would suggest you are really specific about the conditions set out that you want to comment on. Just saying you don’t agree with them won’t help. Suggestions of what you want added or improved against clause numbers would help. We are neither encouraging or discouraging you to a course of action what you do is up to you.
Just to be clear these conditions are how the quarry will operate if the appeal is upheld (this is an if and it doesn’t mean the inspector had made up his mind. We did the same thing last time). We as a rule 6 party will get a seat at the table anyway and Ms Davies (barrister)and Tim Partridge (planning expert) will represent us. They have already commented in writing and will follow this up in discussions. This round table will be live streamed with details to go on the website as to how to join.
After this then closing submissions will be made in writing by barristers by a date to be agreed. Then it’s down to the inspector to make a decision.
I just wanted to say a massive thank you (on behalf of our Chairman who doesn’t do FB!) to the committee for everything they have done in the build up to the inquiry, at the inquiry and a bit more work over the next week. Everyone had a role to play and you all did a fantastic job for the community. I like them will be very glad to get life back to being a bit more normal! Our work isn’t finished yet but the giant effort of the inquiry mostly is!
Also I still remain amazed at the number of letter writers, speakers and attendees we have heard from. It was obvious last time we don’t want this quarry and why, and its even more obvious is now. What an enormous community effort to get our message across. Not a single sand stone left unturned(except for those at Lea Castle!). Just amazing!
So everything now crossed for the next few weeks and months as the Inspector comes to a decision. Let’s hope the practice run we had last time meant we did an even better job this time and we get the decision we all want and so clear cut there is no way back!
Mike Lord