Firstly, what a fantastic community we live in. Even yesterday a lady said to me “they’ll win. You can’t fight the big boys”. WRONG !!
This just proves what is achievable when everyone joins together with a common goal.
Now the thank you’s:
An amazing committee, who have spent many hours of their time, going through plans and documents that are mind blowing to understand. All voluntary, because of-their dedication to this community, Quite frankly, they will be happy going back to their day jobs and businesses, less work.
To every councillor from all parties that have fought this proposal from the beginning.
To all the businesses that have given support and donated.
To every volunteer who has hung banners, relentlessly pounded the streets delivering thousands of flyers.
For all Fund donations.
To everyone who has shared, spoken, or talked about this proposal.
For every written objection that was raised and sent in. I personally watched the girls handling these at the Appeal. At one point you crashed the internet.
Foe everyone that spoke at the Appeal with so much passion for their surroundings.
To our Barrister Sinead Davis, Absolute passion and support for this campaign.
Probably a lot more that I have missed, but basically a massive thank you to everyone who has been part of this campaign. You have been a strong United and amazing community, who have proven that when you feel so strongly about your environment, and the right result can be achieved.
Marilyn McDonald
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