Next step – Terms and Conditions

So the next stage is Terms and Conditions, which have to be put into place before the Inspector can begin the process of his determination on his decision. They have to be put in what has been agreed by the Council and the quarry co. before 4pm on Monday 18th, then...

Inquiry 2 Day 3

Hi GangAnother good day today. Bill, Tim and myself. Bill had the toughest job to get across an objection WCC had already agreed with NRS. He did a great job. I was next up and given we had a practice run (lol) 18 months ago it felt we made the points better today. I...

Inquiry 2 Day 2

Hello EveryoneSo we are two days in to the inquiry and it seems to be going as well as last time. Today saw our first two expert witnesses on the stand. Rebecca Hatch on public rights of way and Matt Hartill on restoration. They were brilliantly well prepared and did...

24th September 2024 Community Meeting

TUESDAY 24TH SEPTEMBER 6.30PM HEATHFIELD KNOLL SCHOOL, WOLVERLEY ROAD, KIDDERMINSTER, DY10 3QE Thanks to your incredible support, we won the initial public inquiry to stop the proposed sand and gravel quarry at Lea Castle Farm in May 2023. However, the decision was...

Objection letters deadline 6th September 2024

NEW letters of objection, as before – are to go to The Planning Inspectorate, and must be in by 6th September 2024 – objections sent to the first Inquiry WILL be considered by the second Inquiry.The original application reference was 19/000053/CmThe Appeal...