Progress report

Hello EveryoneThanks to those who managed to get to the consultation yesterday. There is another on the 21st of August in the same place foe those who couldn’t make it.So to recap where we are. The planning application was rejected by WCC. There was an Inquiry...

Wednesday 7th August 2024

NRS Aggregates are going to hold another public consultation at Wolverley Memorial Hall, Wolverley, Kidderminster DY11 5TH between the hours of 1pm and 7pm.Please go if you can, and ask them some awkward questions!

Planning Inspector, Inquiry Dates and Venue

The Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State to hold the second Inquiry is J Woolcock BNatRes MURP DipLaw MRTPI. Arrangements for the Inquiry are currently being finalised by the Planning Inspectorate.The Inquiry is currently scheduled to open at 10:00 hours on...

Second Inquiry date 5th November 2024

Hello Everyone I think that this has already been posted here but we just heard today that the next inquiry will start on 5th November and has been currently pencilled for 6 days. This is the same length of the last one!This gives us plenty more preparation time and...


NRS Aggregates Ltd lost its planning application to extract three million tons of sand and gravel replacing it with 1.6 million tons of “inert landfill” (builders rubble or equivalent) at Lea Castle Farm in May 2022It appealed the refusal at Public Inquiry in March...